How to be a Lazy Git
Setting up the MacMini with Git and Lazygit
It has taken me a while to work out how I can get a repository on this MacMini computer so I can work on the web site just the same as I can on my MacBook Pro. I like Lazygit in the Terminal to organize my git work. Lazygit is so easy to use. After opening I only have to press the letter A on the keyboard to add the files to the commit. Then press the letter C to commit the changes. The I can do a lowercase p to push the files to the repository.
Sometimes I also use Windsurf the IDE to do git related things, I prefer Windsurf over VSCode . But if I am already in the terminal writing using Neovim then it makes more sense to use Lazygit.
I saw that I have a Git Plugin installed here in Neovim. Had a quick look and it doesn’t seem as intuitive or as easy as using Lazygit.
I also set up Docker and intalled the Command line tool RipGrep which is for finding files. Don’t know how I will use that when I have fzf to use stand alone and also within Yazi