Where is the Kitty
I keep changing Terminal Apps
We all start with the built in Terminal app on the Mac because it is there. Then I heard iTerm was better for whatever reasons. To be honest I don’t take a lot of notice as to the why the new and shimy is better. I give the new one a try and if I like it, it stays. I also use Warp which is useful because it has AI built into it. It is so handy to ask what is the command I need to do what I want. Warp does a great job of this and helps so much. Warp annoys me in other aspects but I can never remember the commands. It makes sense to get help.
Ghostty is the latest one
Kitty was fine and was doing the job. Saw one of the dev guys I follow moved on to Ghostty and I like the look of it. So Kitty was put to one side. I have my keyboard shortcut in Raycast set up - Hyperkey+G for Ghostty and on the MacBook Pro I still have the Hyperkey set with T for terminal. Well the HyperKey I have set up in Superkey. I really should get around to cleaning things up and make sure the App launching is the same on both computers. I have not got used to the two Mac setup yet. I’ll get there in time…
Don’t forget there’s more terminals
I still can use the terminal in Windsurf