About Me
The actor, comedian Lenny Henry was in a silly sitcom many years ago. His character invented the word Spondicious to exclaim when something was totally excellent. Lenny is also from Birmingham.
I'm an English bloke living in Catalonia and I love technology. I remember back to when I was a young one and had to walk down the road to a public phone box to make a call. Love that we now have computers in our pockets and can do amazing things with modern software and hardware. I can't help in finding joy in manipulating technology.
I am a Mac and Apple guy through and through. I do have an Android phone at the moment but I had to get it to test my apps on an Android device. I do twiddle and fiddle with Linux on Raspberry Pi computers. The Mac software is always better designed with form following function. The apps are just prettier and a great to use.
Tried learning coding many times and lately I have got on well with Python and Django. Now that I have FlutterFlow for making apps I am as happy as can be. FlutterFlow is coding as it should be. Most of the arcane language and repetative nonsense of coding is abstracted away.
Most of the websites I have made in the past have been Wordpress sites. So easy to get up and running in an afternoon. This site is made with Astro and I'm loving it. Easy setup and It takes just minutes to get it live on the internet. With Astro I use Tailwind to style the page and it has been extra easy to set up the Tailwind here too.